Uncle Roger's
Notebooks of Daily Life

March 7, 2000

I have a question for myself. What is my next priority?

The first two are easy: Dad and Rachel. The former involves daily visits and activities; the latter requires companionship, continued employment, miscellaneous ordinary tasks.

But comes next? What if, say, I had already had a good visit with Dad and he wanted to go off and do his ceramics or something, and Rachel was off at some conference or workshop? What if I had a large block of time available, with no demands for it?

This is not an unusual situation. Both Dad and Rachel retire early, while I am a night owl. With the moratorium on overtime, I don't need to be working all hours of the day and night. But I am often at a loss as to what to do.

Perhaps I should be working towards making money? Should getting rich be my next priority? While it would certainly be nice, it's not all that important to me.

There are a number of projects that I really ought to devote time to: Compiling the photos from the second Urban Adventure, doing the same for Rachel's Donald Duck collection and my classic computer collection. Rewriting the Free List software in Java (heck, entering events and publicizing it even!) Updating my personal site, posting items for sale on eBay, working on the Rover, the house, my waistline.

I could dig out my studio gear and write some music, or even practice playing the guitar. I could write more, or get back into ceramics. I could explore some of the many, many web pages I have bookmarked for future reference.

But the long and the short of it is, I don't know what my next priority is. It might be something I enjoy; perhaps it even should be. Career advancement could be a good choice, or the aforementioned get-rich-quick. Maybe there's someone out there who needs to be my next priority.

I don't know, but I think I need to find out. Without the answer to this question, I don't know where I'm going. Sometimes, not knowing where you're headed is a good thing. In this case, I think it isn't.

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