Uncle Roger's
Notebooks of Daily Life

May 4, 2000

I had a pretty bizarre dream this morning.

Part of it involved me bringing a Land Rover (tan, 88", like my first one) to a repair place that shared a building with a deli kind of place. I've been to the deli, or at least some incarnation of it, before in dreams. The repair place turned out to be closed, so I left the vehicle in the driveway, and went into the deli. They had a Fred's steak sort of thing going on, so I think I tried some, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I got home and realized that I hadn't left the key to the Rover for the repair guys -- but decided I could bring it to them the next day, when we brought the Citroen in. (No, we don't have a Citroen, nor do we have a LR 88.)

In the other part of the dream, Rachel and I are in bed, with the back of the bed against the wall between the windows. Stanley, wearing a striped colored shirt, and a mid-length curly-hair afro, much like he had had whne he was a kid, stuck his head in, and said that he was going to do his laundry.

I told him no, he couldn't, since Rachel and I were right above the washer and dryer, and we needed to get to sleep. Stanley said "tough" and went out to do his wash. That, of course, is classic Stanley.

I popped up and went after him, so he ran off to the laundryroom. I chased after him, telling him that that was it; he had to move out. Well, that led to a chase around the house.

At one point, I was coming around the side of the house (the uphill side) and glanced in to see a guy working on his computer. It was some other guy who was staying with us -- I think it was Mark from the days of the Skateboard and the Garden. He waved, and I waved back, thinking it was odd that he would be up at this hour.

Interestingly, though it was late night, (hence the moratorium on laundering,) it was as bright as day outside. Anyway, I ended up inside, in the back hall, where I ran into Anne Marie coming down the stairs. She told me that Kathy (her partner, whom I've never met) was upset because Stanley had been running around in the Living room, and had broken some thing of hers. Kathy wanted to know what I was going to do about it.

Now, I'm sure Kathy is a wonderful, considerate, nice person, but for some reason, she sounded just like the wife-creature (my brother's wife.) I don't know why she ended up like that in the dream, but I told Anne-Marie to apologize to her for me.

That about wraps it up. It was a lot more vivid and detailed when it was going on, but a lot of that was lost in the waking process.

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