Uncle Roger's
Web Pages

Why the Web?

Web sites exist for many reasons. Businesses generally have them for one of three reasons: to advertise their products, to support their products, or to sell their products. Sometimes they have a web site simply because they think it's expected, which, of course, isn't a very good reason at all.

Individuals come up with a much wider variety of reasons. Sometimes people set up EgoSites -- all about themselves or their children, thinking that perhaps someone, somewhere might be interested. There is, naturally, nothing wrong with that, and in fact sometimes EgoSites can be simply fascinating, though not always in the way the authors intended them.

Also common are web sites about someone's hobbies or interests -- a fan site for their favorite band, or a site to show off their impressive paper clip collection. Still others may find that the web site becomes their hobby. Developing the site is the goal. The process is the reward; the result is an interesting side effect.

Some web sites protest or endorse a particular political, social, or religious point of view; the web has become a giant soapbox, where anyone can espouse anything to everyone -- or no one. Organizations, too, get web pages: local theatre groups, clubs, museums, support groups. Publishing their mission, asking for help, offering help -- you can't get much more grass roots than the internet.

There are sites that offer assistance. Free advice on how to tie-dye clothes, tips on favorite vacation spots, bus schedules, game rules. Animated guides to dressage and American Sign Language offer a clarity that cannot be matched by text and still pictures.

Why Me?

My web pages, in all their diversity, encompass all of these motivations. As a professional web designer, my web site must advertise my services and showcase my skills for potential clients. They are my calling card and my resume, my portfolio.

Still, I am a person, with interests, and beliefs, and even an ego. And so I have web pages devoted to my hobbies -- Land Rovers, classic computers, a favorite blues artist. Having gained so much help, entertainment, and information from the Internet community, I try to assist other not-yet-rich San Franciscans through the Free List, and offer advice on restaurants, hotels, and local attractions I've enjoyed.

My oversized ego is stimulated through web pages devoted to my twisted view of the world, electronic publishing of my original short stories and poetry, even a rambling account of the events that shaped my personality.

Why Not?

Unfortunately, all is not coconuts and bikinis in cyberspace. The Real World intrudes, interfering with The Way Things Ought To Be.

My life is a complicated one, more so since the passing of my mother in early 1996. I spend a lot of time with my dad, but not as much as I'd like. I have yet to win the lottery, so I still find it necessary to earn a living. I have a girlfriend; it's surprising how much attention they require. And alas, I do need some sleep.

So, as much as I would like to spend the time it takes to update these pages, as important as that is, both professionally and personally, it just isn't going to happen as often as I'd like. Just as the cobbler's children have no shoes, so too does the web designer's site get no updates.


So, enjoy what's here, check back occassionally for updates, and in the meantime, ring up some friends, get outside and experience what it's really all about.

Roger Louis Sinasohn and Associates Uncle Roger